Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Future Mapping Company

The Future Mapping Company complements up-to-date map data with a strong focus on design, creating cartography for the twenty-first century. These maps utilise a cylindrical equal area projection (Don't switch off!). This represents countries in their correct proportional size, something that a lot of maps do not do. It achieves this by sacrificing shape, particularly in the areas closest to the poles. The result is an alternative and thought-provoking vision of our planet.We have the "pine-coral-gold" limited addition version available in our stores.

all photos and text from www.futuremaps.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    Doing some press for Future Mapping Company and just wanted to say thanks for writing and sharing this post about our maps! We've since created a map of NYC (http://www.futuremaps.co.uk/new-york-city-wall-map) which might be of interest to your readers!


    Betty, TFMC
