Thursday 13 October 2011


People, places and events are the focus of the new magazine "Københavner". The magazine have role models like The New Yorker and the Danish Press. The magazine provides us with interviews, short stories, portraits, photo reports and articles.

You can read about a series of portraits of smokers, a personal report and pictures from the opening of the disco D-Matic in 1986, an essay about the song "Saltomortale" of the Danish band I Got You On Tape, a novel by Jesper Dahl aka. Jokeren, interviews with ex-DJ Tania Sonnenfeld, a portrait interview with the young hip-hop artist Kidd, who also dominates the extremely tight and stylish frontpage, and much much more.

Hurry up and get one of the last copies left in our Copenhagen Boutique.

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