Thursday, 23 August 2012


The Second drop of Henrik Vibskov- THE SHRINK WRAP SPECTACULAR- AW/12 has finally arrived in our Boutiques in Copenhagen, Oslo, NYC and Online.
The shapes and details of old stringed instruments and drums coherently build the starting point for the design of the AW collection: Jackets with drum like silhouettes on the back, instrument shaped pattern pieces that are sewn into various garments and hats from the show which are covered by a string-like thread detailing.

The mentioned randomness of sound installation reflects the disturbed knit patters, a result of a space dyed knit- a method where the string of knit is dyed before the knitting itself, creating an unpredictable pattern of the pieces.Big zippers on jackets and pants furthermore allow the clothes to change their silhouette depending on them being opened or closed and thus add to this universe of coming alive.

SHOP WOMEN   //   SHOP MEN                                  

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